Leadership Development Programme for Senior Leadership Team


This UK Senior Leadership team of 11 people heading multiple disciplines within the business, were friendly, all got on very well and there was little if any tension between them. Their friendly, familial team culture however was counterproductive as no one dared hold anyone else accountable, or challenge each other’s thinking for fear of upsetting the good feeling within the team.


Through a comprehensive programme of leadership development this team went from good to great.

Helping them understand themselves and each other and appreciating that their differences are what led to their strength as a team, helped give them the confidence to utilise their differences.

Helping them articulate the values and behaviours that made them great and getting agreement from all to honour these guidelines enabled them to hold each other accountable when these weren’t honoured. More meaningful discussions and alignment resulted in them collaborating more effectively and efficiently which in turn helped them increase their focus and activity towards achieving their goals.  Their reputation within the organisation rose and other leadership teams started to follow suit.

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